iCare Store (sold/shipped by Amazon.com)
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iCare DVD/workbooks contain all unabridged iCare training, with all topics, description of concepts, examples, additional information, forms, exercises, and instructions.
iCare Products
iCare DVD
Training Videos to help you overcome stressful situations in your caregiver role
English, full length, complete, NTSC, 3.5 hours
About Dementia,
Dealing with Stress,
How to Relax,
Difficult Behaviors,
Pleasant Activities, Communication Skills, Healthy Habits, and Resources

iCare Handbook
The Companion Workbook for iCare
English, color, 154 pages

iCare Express
The Express Workbook for iCare DVD
English, color, 34 pages

iCare Extra Forms
Extra forms for iCare for iCare DVD
English, black/white, 88 pages